Pupils are expected to be courteous to their schoolmates, teachers and other staff members both inside and outside school. Bad behavior and use of objectionable language will be severely dealt with.
Any kind of damage to the property of the school should be paid for by the pupils responsible for doing so.
Pupils are expected to be responsible for their own books, fountain pens, cycles, lunch boxes etc.,
No pupil suffering from contagious or infectious diseases like measles, chickenpox, etc., will be allowed inside the school. The quarantine period is 14 days.
No private tuition shall be arranged with the school staff without obtaining permission from the principal.
Since the medium of instruction is English, it is compulsory that all pupils speak in English in the school premises.
Students are expected to use only fountain pens/gel pens.
Pupils should bring along with them their napkins/hand-towels/table-mats and should use the same to avoid making the classroom dirty.
Students are prohibited from eating or chewing any eatables during the class hours.
Every student should bring the school diary to the school daily.
The management may frame and issue from time to time disciplinary rules of permanent and temporary character, regulating the conduct of the students within the campus and outside which are deemed necessary to maintain the reputation of the insttution,