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Our Special Features

Our Special Features

Our Learning methods and activities :

We employ learning methods and activities that reflect best practices in education. Some of the methods used by us include:

Our Special Features

Our Learning methods and activities :

We employ learning methods and activities that reflect best practices in education. Some of the methods used by us include:

Experiential Learning

Students learn best by doing or experiencing. They are provided ample opportunities for experimental learning through hands-on activities, experiments, investigations, role play and field trips.

Active Learning

Recognising latest trends in education, we emphasize student-centered instructions. We apply methods of active learning such as discussions, debates, quizzes, co-operative/collaborative learning and curriculum based project work to stimulate higher order thinking skills. A variety of reading and writing strategies are used by teachers to enhance skills in these vital areas. Vedic Maths is integrated into Maths lessons to enhance attainment of Maths skills and concepts. Abacus Maths is blended into the curriculum to sharpen numeracy skills of children.

Differential Instructions

The variety in teaching/learning methods is geared to meet different learning styles of learners. In addition, gifted students are given challenging exercises, enhancement classes are conducted for slow learners and equal opportunities are provided for differently abled students.

Technology in Learning

We use new technologies the classroom. We use audio visual equipment, Smart Board, Overhead Projector and Videos, to enhance the quality of lesson presentation. Our fully equipped computer labs serve to build ICT skills in students.