A pupil who persists to be irregular and indifferent and who defaults frequently in
subrnitting assignments will not be allowed to continue his/her studies in the school.
Promotion is based on attendance and performance in the tests and terminal examinations
and not on annual examination marks alone. The average marks obtained in the cycle tests
will also be considered for the final- promotion.
Continuous assessment will be done for classwork, homework, tests and worksheets.
Promotion will be based on students performance in these tasks.
Parents must review their ward's performance in every test conducted by the school and
must take necessary steps to improve the performance.
The Progress Report must be returned duly signed within three days from the date of
receipt. Parents are advised to supervise and encourage their children to do their
homework particularly if they are weak in certain subjects.
Students who do not have a minimum of 75% attendance will not be promoted.
No warning promotions will be given as per the Department's instructions.